Some of us are mums, some of us aren’t. Some of us still have a mum, others don’t. Each situation is different and hopefully we all have empathy and understanding for each other in this regard.
So when Mother’s Day comes along (this year on March 10th) feelings and reactions vary hugely from person to person.
Some of us may not even acknowledge the day, whereas for others it can trigger great grief and longing. It might be a wonderful excuse for an outing or a party – or a reason to send just a card.
Whatever your circumstances, you may be interested to learn that the origins of Mother’s Day are not all about human motherhood!
The ancient Greeks and Romans held festivals in honour of their mother goddesses, Rhea and Cybele respectively.
And in the celebration known as ‘Mothering Sunday’, Christian worshippers would attend their ‘mother church’. This was the main church in their area rather than their local church, and therefore a chance for families to travel a little further than usual, to reunite and share the occasion with loved ones.
In the UK we mark the day in March (the fourth Sunday in Lent according to the Christian calendar) but in America it is held in May. It is celebrated in many countries and despite its religious beginnings, has become a secular occasion and a way to appreciate motherhood all over the world.
In our culture at least, Mother’s Day coincides with the beginning of Spring, a time when a very important mother to us all is doing her thing – and in a very wonderful way, too!
She is, of course, Mother Nature.

Early Spring is a time when everything begins to come alive.
I don’t know about you, but I can hear nature gearing up for a growth spurt! If you like to think of nature as our Mother – and I certainly do – then you can see her energy, feel her joy and smell her freshness! She is so alive and full of excitement. It’s as if the volume has been turned up tenfold out there!
And there’s more light, so we have more time to appreciate her. The days are longer (and hopefully warmer, although that’s not always a given!) and we tend to feel more alive, in tune with our lovely Mum! She’s calling us to join her, to rise earlier, to come and explore her with all of our senses.

It’s easier to venture outdoors when there’s more time. If you work all day, at least you have more daylight when you’re done. It’s not quite time to put the clocks forward, but there’s a noticeable difference in daylight hours at both ends of the day. There may be time for a stroll before breakfast, perhaps a barefoot walk around the garden if you’re lucky enough to have one. If not, a walk to the end of the road, or a glance at the sky, or at the shoots of a roadside plant – a simple acknowledgement that nature is alive and well – is all it takes.
I very much hope that you are feeling your senses awaken, however gradually, and that you are experiencing a certain optimism that feels appropriate for this time of year. And if not, I sincerely hope that Mother Nature will help you to find your mojo, in some way at least, however small.
We all want a spring in our step, especially at springtime!