It’s great to be able to do your bit for a cleaner better environment for now and for future generations. At Bath House, we have created a palm-free, 100% natural Marjoram soap to contribute to the Save Windermere campaign. For every sale of this special soap we are donating 100% of net sales to this important campaign.

Why are we supporting this campaign?
As a local business, the natural products we make are inspired by the amazing rural landscape and the natural world that surrounds us. We align our values and our commitment to the environment and wholeheartedly support the campaign to ‘save Windermere’ – a natural icon of the Lake District renowned for its beauty around the world.
Save Windermere is challenging the water companies who regularly discharge raw sewage into the lake, creating an environmental hazard recognisable by the visible appearance of green algae. The hard work of key environmental activists, supported by a like-minded public is beginning to make such concerns heard. Raising awareness of the environmental problems of our lakes, rivers and seas at a local level unites the people and communities, calling to account the various water companies’ responsibilities to clean up their act. This important subject is getting air time and the subject of dirty waterways is being played out on many media channels on the TV and radio and is beginning to make waves in parliament – so we must keep up the pressure.

The Save Windermere campaign needs your support to keep doing its good work, for example, the campaign has recently partnered with the UK Space Agency and Map Impact in an innovative data collection project to study the inputs into England’s most iconic body of water, Windermere.
Why is this exciting? Simply put, this will be the most extensive scientific study ever formulated for Windermere. It will span the entire catchment, analysing a minimum of four samples a month, and examining all the inputs of nutrients that are actively damaging our lake. Anonymised cellular data, provided by one of the UK’s largest mobile networks, will determine the number of people within the catchment at any given moment, helping build a better understanding of the anthropogenic pressures on the system.
It’s important to continue to inspire public pressure and keep this environmental campaign visible so please get involved or support where and however you can for cleaner safer waterways, lakes, and seas.
To learn more about the ‘Save Windermere’ campaign visit and see how you can help find out about events to join in with and ways you can help. Simply signing the petition is a good start.