Winter is into its final weeks, and we can begin to look forward to brighter mornings and evenings – and hopefully some warmer weather!

Many of us have already turned our attention to decluttering, in line with a new year and the desire for a new start. Toys, clothes and books are all suitable candidates for a good sort out… but what about our skincare products?

As the seasons change, so do the needs of our skin. For example, winter weather calls for deeper moisturising, while warmer weather requires a lighter touch to the skin and greater sun protection. It’s really easy to forget that not all of our carefully chosen jars and bottles of gorgeousness are the best solution all year round. Just like the pieces in our wardrobe, some can do their job most effectively at certain times of the year. And unlike clothes, they can have an expiry date (on second thoughts, clothes do too – if you are a follower of fashion trends!). How many of us hold on to items that are past their best, that we don’t want to throw away because they aren’t empty?

Before we take any action with our decluttering, it’s useful and motivating to consider how we are going to approach it. This isn’t about throwing everything away – not by any means. Repurposing and recycling are priorities here.

Perhaps start by checking expiry dates. All products come with a little symbol of a jar with the number of months you can use the products inside once it’s opened. So if you feel products have changed in scent or texture, you might want to check this, as they shouldn’t be used on the skin and might harbour bacteria. Remember most vegan skincare products made with a high level of natural ingredients are best stored out of direct sunlight and ideally in a dark place, perhaps a cupboard or the original box. I keep some of mine in a rather lovely basket next to the sink.

Even if lotions and potions are no longer useful, it’s important to think about how to dispose of the packaging. Take care to follow instructions and recycle or repurpose wherever you can. Beautiful jars, tubs and bottles can hold other products instead and be useful for years to come.

If you already choose recyclable packaging and refillable products, in line with our values here at Bath House, then you’ll already know what to do here, and no doubt have a routine or a system!

Also check brushes and applicators. Could they also do with cleaning, or even replacing? Can you repurpose these? They too may be useful around the home. Can you be creative with your ideas?

Now to the products that are still in their prime! Do they fill you with joy when you feel them on your skin or catch their scent? Is there a lotion or body butter you bought recently but only used once?Like items in your wardrobe, your skincare products should make you feel marvellous! And as with clothes, consider whether each item is a mainstay for all year round that you absolutely love and can’t do without, or if it’s due a little break until the autumn.

Next, are there any items you could add to your collection? Perhaps now is the right time to consider whether your skincare wardrobe is ready for the new season – my favourite Bath House skincare products right now are the Patchouli & Black Pepper Body Cream and Face, Hair & Body Oil, as they work so well to hydrate skin, the multi-tasking natural body oil also works really well on adding nourishment to hair after washing. The perfect preparation for receiving more daylight and warmth.

Have a browse through our Skincare Edit to see if there’s something you’re missing, or that would enhance what you already have.

Once you’ve selected the items you want for the next few months, it’s time to decide on your layout. Let’s really do this! Choose a suitable area in the home (you may already have one) where you can pay attention to your skin and enjoy spending time on yourself. It may be in the bathroom, or a corner of your bedroom. You may be lucky enough to have a small separate dressing room or area. Good lighting can help too – if you dare!

Here we are placing importance on self-care, consciously and mindfully creating a space with a purpose, where we can spend time on this one activity. It may be only five minutes in the morning and five minutes in the evening. But it’s valuable time for yourself, where you can be completely in the moment. Why not, then, enhance this space with a scented candle or room diffuser, bring in some cut flowers or a fresh plant? Or go even further and play some gentle music inspired by nature, or create a comfortable place to sit where you can read as you allow the skin products to weave their magic? You really are only limited by your imagination!

This deliberate, thoughtful approach to a daily routine is a form of meditation. Anything done mindfully is meditation. We are in the moment, using our senses to experience the here and now. Don’t get bogged down with your choices of what to put aside and what to use. It’s just as important to enjoy the experience rather than create more difficult decisions in life. The main purpose is to retain and use what we already have, perhaps with the words ‘sort’, ‘streamline’ and ‘simplify’ just gently in mind.

You might display your favourite items in the foreground, or the most aesthetically pleasing ones, or those you use most. There are no rules here – because this is your space. Functionality, luxury, comfort, beauty. We all have different preferences and priorities.

Afterwards, we might feel liberated, calm and energised (yes, those last two can sit together in harmony!). And we now know that every day for the next few months we can enjoy the results, until it’s time to have another little sort out – perhaps in the autumn!



> Discover Bath House Skincare favourites

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